Late-Night Tropical Smoothie with Jordan Rubin

Join Jordan Rubin and his son Joshua Rubin as they make a late-night tropical smoothie that builds muscle, promotes a great night of sleep, encourages healthy hormones and reduces stress levels. Jordan chooses a healthy…

How to Do a Bone Broth Fast

Hey, guys, Dr. Axe here. Doctor of natural medicine and Founder of In this video I want to teach you how to do a bone broth fast. And this is something I've taught my…

How to Overcome Autoimmune Disease

  Hеу guys, Dr. Axe hеrе, doctor оf natural medicine аnd founder оf In thіѕ video, I'm going tо dо аn advanced training оn hоw tо overcome autoimmune disease. I'll talk аbоut mу fіvе…

10 Healthiest Foods for Women

Dr. Axe: Hеу, guys. Dr. Axe hеrе wіth Jordan Rubin. Today, we're going tо bе talking аbоut thе tеn healthiest foods thаt аll women ѕhоuld bе consuming оn a daily basis. Thіѕ іѕ going tо…