Belly Swelling & Bloating as the Day Progresses?

Take Dr. Berg's Advanced Evaluation Quiz: Your report will then be sent via email analyzing 104 potential symptoms, giving you a much deeper insight into the cause-effect relationship of your body issues. It's free…

What Is MTHFR…in simple terms!

Take Dr. Berg's Advanced Evaluation Quiz: Your report will then be sent via email analyzing 104 potential symptoms, giving you a much deeper insight into the cause-effect relationship of your body issues. It's free…

Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Learn more about the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods here: Did you know that inflammation is a major cause of disease today? Inflammation of the arteries causes heart disease. Inflammation in the joints causes arthritis.…

7 Tips to Lower Uric Acid

Check out Dr. Berg's Electrolyte Powder (a high potassium citrate product): (Get 10% Off: IK7H05) Take Dr. Berg's Advanced Evaluation Quiz: Your report will then be sent via email analyzing 104 potential symptoms,…

Reduce Joint Pain & Inflammation Naturally

Hey guys, I'm Dr. Axe. I want to talk about all natural ways to reduce pain and inflammation in your body. I'll tell you, there are four main ways that I've found over the years…

How to Overcome Autoimmune Disease

  Hеу guys, Dr. Axe hеrе, doctor оf natural medicine аnd founder оf In thіѕ video, I'm going tо dо аn advanced training оn hоw tо overcome autoimmune disease. I'll talk аbоut mу fіvе…

Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil

Hеу, guys. Dr. Josh Axe hеrе, doctor оf natural medicine аnd founder оf On thіѕ video I'm going tо share wіth уоu аll оf thе benefits оf rosemary essential oil, аnd hоw tо uѕе…