/HOW TO GET RID OF A DOUBLE CHIN, facial exercises for women and men, loose skin, tone saggy jaw

HOW TO GET RID OF A DOUBLE CHIN, facial exercises for women and men, loose skin, tone saggy jaw

Hi it’s Tracy, today our workout is something very different so we are going to be focusing, and not on your body but on your face (your face) so , specifically double chins, so this was was actually requested for me on Youtube so, if you have any requests, I just want to say I love hearing from you whether it be on Youtube or on Facebook, make sure that your following me and I try to answer absolutely everyone that I can so if you have any requests for videos, make sure to let me know so this was a request I got on YouTube which was for the double chin.

So there are many causes for a double chin, first is genetics, certain people are a little more predisposed to having a saggy or double chin the other thing is age, your skin looses some elasticity and then you sorta get that jiggly chin situation and thirdly could be weight gain, which would give you a little more fat underneath your chin if you have a major weight loss, your body might be in great shape but you still have a little jiggle going on here so rather than going under the knife, here are five exercises that you can do.

So the first being just lifting your chin up just lift your chin to the ceiling feel that stretch and then back let’s do that again and lift up and back, again just like any other exercise, keep your shoulders down your back and you should feel that stretch, this is also a super important exercise because and I am the worst at this as well, we’re always on our phones, we’re always on our computers we’re always staring at devices which makes our head go forward, which means you’re not getting any stretch and these muscles start getting slack so this is really important that you look up, ok so you do that 10 times.

Then, i’m gonna look crazy, you’re gonna take your teeth and stick your bottom teeth over your top teeth very cute, right? Do the same thing lifting your head up 10 times, you’ll feel a little bit more forward pulling that muscle up shoulders down so 10 like that, then we’re gonna do little smoochies, little kisses lift your chin up and then kiss the ceiling here really exaggerate like MUAH! you should feel all those muscles so you’ll do 10 in the center so say we did 10 then then your going to go diagonally up here, shoulders down and same thing you feel that you’ll get a little pull happening here 10 on one side and you guessed it, 10 on the other side so a great time to do this would be at the end of the day, maybe when taking off your makeup just do some of your facial exercises then.

This is one that my mother used to do all the time (Yay for mom) I remember seeing her do this when I was little, she would do the vowels A, E, I, O, U up at the ceiling, so I have such flashbacks when I do this, so A, E, I, O, U and you can just do that 5 – 10 times, same thing A , E, I, O, U okay so you don’t have to sing it like that, but it makes it a little bit more fun.

So now the last one is you’re gonna turn your head to the side and stick your tongue straight out as as far as you can and I have to say I can totally rock Miley Cyrus on this or Gene Simmons so you get your Gene Simmons moment here so turn your head to the side, stick your tongue straight out and we’re going to count to 10 and i’ll just do it with my fingers and you should feel that stretch ok, your tongue is going straight out, don’t be scared let’s do the other side ok so I would do that but 5 times on each side so these are some great exercises to help you get that lift, to tone up the muscles just like the muscles in your body, we got muscles in our face and we want to keep them tight and toned.

I hope that you love this video and you see and feel great results and if you do make sure to leave your comments below okay bye Are you ready for your perfect body? be sure to visit Tracy Campoli dot com and purchase your perfect body formula

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