/How To Make SuperHuman Post Workout Shake

How To Make SuperHuman Post Workout Shake

Hey, guys. Dr. Axe here. Welcome to Maximize Your Health. Today I’m going to be talking about what to eat right when you’re done working out. And that’s a question I’m always getting from people. “What do I need to eat right after a workout to build the most muscle and burn the most fat?” And if you’re like me, you want to get the maximum results from your workouts. I actually just got done working out about two or three minutes ago. I want to go over what I eat right after a workout. And so to start off here, I’m going to make something called my super-human shake. Now this is inspired by an author named Tim Ferriss. He’s the author of “4-Hour Body.” He did a study on himself where he took his testosterone levels from around 255 to over 600 in a four-month period of time, noticed his energy went up and strength went up.

This guy packed on like 20 pounds. His muscles got really lean and ripped in that amount of time. So this is the shake that I consume to really build muscle right after workout, and this is best taken twice a day. One time a day, you’re going to actually put some fruit in it, another time you’ll do it right before bed. But you’ll do it right after a workout and right before bed you get the best results in packing on some good muscles. So to start us off here in our super-human shake, we’re going to start off here with some raw milk. You can either do raw milk or goat’s milk yogurt or Greek yogurt, or kefir. Okay? And so that’s what I’ll use here. Now, let me talk about why raw milk is so good. A lot of people question why raw milk? Why not pasteurized? When you pasteurize milk, it kills off all the vitamins, most of the minerals, and overall it just damages the structure of the milk.

Actually, the protein also becomes hydrogelized and denatured. It denatures the proteins and you really don’t want that. So again, you want to do things in the raw. I do raw milk or at least something that’s minimally processed, like I said, goat’s milk yogurt. There’s also a product called Amasi by Beyond Organic. That’s like a fermented kefir. Those are the best things. The reason why this is so good is it contains CLA. That’s known as conjugated linoleic acid. That’s CLA. It’s been shown to help your body burn fat and lose weight. Also, raw milk contains calcium, which is good for building strong bones. It also contains Omega-3 fats, and it contains a very, very highly absorbable kind of protein called a whey protein, which gets in your muscles faster than any type of protein. So we’re going to start off here with eight ounces of raw kefir, milk, or yogurt. All right. That’s how we start it off. The next thing we’re going to put in here are some raw eggs.

Okay? Eggs are packed with beta carotene. That’s what gives them their orange color. Also, they contain albumin and a whole range of amino acids. Actually, eggs are your most bio-available source of protein along with dairy. In this recipe you’re getting your most highly absorbable kinds of protein in eggs and in raw dairy. So the eggs here, we’re going to go ahead and break these open. Also, the egg yolk contains Vitamin E, and I always recommend when you are buying eggs that you are buying organic. Now a lot of times I get the question, “Are eating these eggs safe? Is eating raw eggs . . . ?” Absolutely. I’ve been eating raw eggs for 12 years. It’s just kind of wives’ tale that raw eggs are unhealthy or dangerous.

A lot of good health benefits there as well. I eat them because, one, because they’re good for me, and one, because I want to be like Rocky. All right. There we go, the third raw egg in here. There we go. And one of the things that you’re going to notice here about this shake is that it’s very high in fat. You’ve got a lot of the good healthy fat, the medium chain fatty acids from the raw milk, which has been shown to help your body burn fat and lose weight. The egg yolk, you’re getting good, healthy fat, but really when it comes to building muscles, you think it’s all about protein and carbs. No, really fat controls the hormones, and if you really want to boost muscle and burn fat, it’s all about increasing human growth hormone in your body. Human growth hormone is known as your anti-aging hormone and your muscle-building hormone, whereas cortisol is known as your aging hormone. And so you want to increase human growth hormone, and that’s exactly what this shake is doing.

The next thing we’re going to add in here is almond butter. Almond butter is great because it’s packed with L-arginine. L-arginine is an amino acid that’s been shown to help your body burn fat and lose weight. So we’re going to do four tablespoons here. We got a really big one there. We’re going to just do one more big one right like that. All right. So we got our almond butter in there. And again, almond butter, when you get this you want to get raw almond butter. Raw almond butter, again, packed with L-arginine, which has been shown to help increase human growth hormone. It’s really, really good for guys and for girls. The next thing we’re going to add in is flax meal.

Flax meal is packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and good fiber, which is also very important. So this actually ends up being there about three tablespoons in that scoop. The next thing I’m going to add in is cinnamon. Cinnamon contains niacin, and that’s Vitamin B3, which has been shown to help you pack on some muscle, and it also contains choline, which actually helps in containing healthy cholesterol levels. Also, it helps in packing on muscle. So you’re going to do about one teaspoon of cinnamon in this recipe.

Also, this is really good for balancing up your blood glucose levels when you’re doing the cinnamon there. Now, a few other things that we’re going to do, the next thing here, we’ve got some blueberries. You want antioxidants after your workout. We’re going to pour about a cup or so of blueberries in there. Okay? And the last couple of things; we’re going to add in cod liver oil. This is the one I personally take. It’s Oceans 3, Beyond Omega-3 Cod Liver Oil. The reason why I like this cod liver oil is it also contains something called astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is that red color that you’ll see in wild salmon, and it’s one of the most powerful, fat-soluble antioxidants on the planet. It’s been shown to be more potent than Vitamin E, a natural cancer-fighter, great for building muscle. Cod liver oil also contains, you’ll see, astaxanthin, fucothin, and it’s got Vitamin D. And so again I do this Garden of Life Cod Liver Oil. I do about a tablespoon of this. I’m going to pour about a tablespoon of that. You don’t have to pour it in there.

You can just do a tablespoon yourself, and that’s fine. And the last thing here that I’ll go ahead and take is Vitamin D3. I’ll do about 5000 IUs of Vitamin D3 right after a workout. Again, Vitamin D3 is really not a vitamin. It’s a pro-hormone. It actually helps build natural hormones in your system. Vitamin D3, your best source is the sun, but when it’s cold out, when you’re not getting a lot of sun, you want to do Vitamin D3 in capsule form. Make sure it’s D3, not [inaudible 00:06:56] the raw form is the best you can possibly be putting in your body. And so again, right out after a workout I go and take this shake here. All right. I’m going to go ahead and get this blended up. Give me a second. Let me grab a lid. Okay. So we’re going to get this baby blending.

All right, here we go, and pour. Let me try it here. It really is awesome. So action step if you really want to pack on some good muscle, do weight training exercise followed by burst training. I recommend doing weight training about four to five days a week, followed with about 10 to 20 minutes of burst training. Right after your workout do this super-human shake. Eat two to three other large meals during the day packed with vegetables, good quality sources of protein, carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, lots of good protein sources like grass-fed beef, wild salmon, organic chicken and turkey, and eggs, and then also do this super-human shake one time before bed.

Again, do this twice a day, two or three other big meals a day. If you do that, you’re going to be packing on some serious muscle. Hey, thanks for watching another episode of Maximize Your Health..

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