/Making Chocolate Mousse

Making Chocolate Mousse

Hey, I’m Dr. Josh Axe and welcome to my kitchen. Today I’m going to be making dessert, which I know everyone’s excited about, and we’re making chocolate mousse. By the end of this recipe you’re going to ask yourself, “How could dessert taste so amazing and be so healthy at the same time?” So we’re going to start making some chocolate mousse. For starters, what we’re going to do is we took dates and we soaked them in water.

You want to soak dates for about one to two hours. We’re going to go ahead and drop those in a blender. You can make this recipe in a blender or in a food processor. So we’ve got about a cup of dates here. We’re going to go and drop them into the blender for starters. Dates are good. The one negative side of dates is they have a lot of sugar, but overall they also have a lot of fiber, they have a lot of antioxidants and a lot of different nutrients that are actually going to help absorb the sugar, and it’s got fiber, which is good.

The next thing we’re going to be adding in are some avocados. We’ve got about one avocado here, one to two avocados. This recipe calls for two to three. What we’re going to do next is we’re going to take an avocado and slice it up. So we’re going to start off here and we’re going to cut it long ways. Avocados are great because they’re loaded with healthy fat, actually Omega 9 fats which are also known as monounsaturated fats. To get this avocado open we simply twist like this in order to get the seed out in the middle. You can simply take a knife . . . I missed, okay . . . and then simply pull it out like this. What you can do from here is either you can peel off the skin or you can take a spoon and actually scoop it out. We’re going to go ahead and just scoop it out here. When you’re feeling for avocados, you want to make sure they’re soft. Not too soft, but pretty soft is better for scooping it. It just means they’re riper, which is actually going to be better. So I’ve got a spoon here, just spoon out the rest of the avocado.

This is going to be great. We’re loading up our diet with good healthy fat here, like so. So now that we’ve got the avocado, we’re going to just simply dump that in next. Again, you’re going to use typically two avocados if they’re two medium-sized or larger avocados. The next thing we’re going to add in is maple syrup. Now, we get 100% Grade B maple syrup. You want to get Grade B, not Grade A. Grade B means it’s the least processed, so it hasn’t been processed at all and still has many of the antioxidants and other things that actually make it good. So we’re going to take the maple syrup and add in about half a cup. Simply pour that in like so, half a cup of Grade B maple syrup. The next thing we’re going to add in is a little bit or organic vanilla extract. We’re going to put about a teaspoon of this in. Simply pour it like so. The last thing, actually a couple more things, but we’re going to add in cocoa now, cacao powder.

Cocoa is loaded with antioxidants. Actually, if you look on an ORAC score chart, which is oxygen radical absorbance capacity which is how many antioxidants are in something. Cocoa scores actually in the top ten. It’s one of the foods highest in antioxidants. We’re going to add in about three-fourths a cup here of pure cocoa powder, get as much as we can. We may need to scoop a little bit more out. There we go, about three-fourths of a cup. I’m never exact on anything. You’ve probably noticed that by now.

The next thing we’re going to add in is about half a cup of water. We’re going to simply pour that into the mix, and it is ready to blend. What we’re going to do is go ahead and pop it up here and we’re going to go ahead and get this blending. Now that we’re finished blending, the chocolate mousse is ready to serve. You’re simply going to take it out of the blender or food processor you have it in and just simply start scooping it out. You’ll see here, it comes out just as a beautiful texture. We’re just going to continue to bring it out like this, and you can put it in a bowl. I’ll tell you one of my favorite things to do with this recipe is once you have it as a mousse, take some of it and freeze it and make it into fudgsicles. That’s something actually your kids will love. It’s great as a snack rather than doing a lot of the conventional stuff you’ll find in many of the stores out there.

Again, this is totally toxin-free. It’s healthy. Again, you always do need to be careful that . . . again, I don’t think you should go and just make this in one sitting and throw the whole thing down, but again, it’s good to do as a healthy dessert here and there because it’s loaded with a lot of good vitamins, minerals and nutrients. We’ve got most of it out here, and again, you’ll see here from this picture, just a nice, creamy texture there that we’ve got in the chocolate mousse. So we’ll go ahead and try it.

Oh, you’re going to love this..

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